Around the World in 80 Hours

In the spirit of adventure from Jules Verne’s, Around the World in 80 Days, as a video journalist, I will set out on an adventure around the world in 80 hours to ask the question: Is the technology revolution making the world a better place? Stopping along the way to take a snapshot of our world.
Does technology make the world a better place? Does it make your life better? Can we overcome our social, political, economic and environmental issues through these technological advances, or are we doomed to repeat past mistakes as we rush into a technological future? This documentary will be an overview of what our world looks like in the middle of this technological revolution, and how it is shaping our planet for this and future generations.
From the start in Times Square in NYC I will go around the world touch down along the way for 2 to 12 hours in 4 cities to discover how technology is revolutionizing the lives of it's people. As the story unfolds in airports, planes, trains, sidewalks and cafes, this documentary will not only be a fast-paced adventure that is fun to watch; it will also be snapshots of what it means to be human in the middle of a mobile technological revolution.
Explore the stops on this journey, New York, Dubai, Amsterdam and Beijing for a quick look at what makes the world looks like on a three day eight hour journey around the world. You can also sign up for the newsletter below to get updates on this documentary coming out later this year.